Embracing Kindness, Time, and Positivity

As the year winds down, we’re all familiar with the wave of New Year resolutions that flood our minds and social media feeds. You know the drill — a promise to get fitter, lose weight, quit sugar, or maybe even pick up a new hobby. But, as those of you who know me know, I’m not a fan of New Year resolutions. In the past, I’ve found them to be short-lived or burdened with unrealistic expectations. By February, those promises often felt like a distant memory, replaced with guilt or frustration.

But this year is different. This time, I’m setting one resolution, and it’s simple. Be kind to myself.

For most of my life, I’ve been my own harshest critic. I’m sure many of you can relate — we hold ourselves to impossibly high standards, constantly pushing for perfection in every area of our lives. Whether it’s work or personal goals, the internal voice that says, “You should be doing more,” can be overwhelming. Especially when it comes to training. Find a bigger event or race, train harder and longer. Fail, then feel like total dirt for being a failure.

This year, I’m making a conscious decision to change that narrative. Kindness to myself is not negotiable. I want to give myself grace when I mess up, and not just the kind of grace that feels like an afterthought, but the kind that nourishes my spirit. I’ll stop punishing myself for what I’m not doing and instead, celebrate what I am doing. I’ll acknowledge my progress, even when it feels small. I will find joy in any win, not just the big ones.

It's time to remind myself that I am worthy of love and care — no matter how messy things may get.

“Me” time isn’t selfish — it’s necessary. Whether it’s taking a walk, reading a book, or simply sitting in silence for a few minutes, these moments are vital for our mental and emotional well-being. B forced me to do this for 2 days this past weekend. I had no pet sits only dog walks. I instinctively said I was going to bake dog treats for all the dogs at work. He threatened to disconnect the stove and hide the car keys if I didn’t chill out and just relax. I did exactly that and it was lovely.

Staying positive when life gets tough has been an on again, off again struggle my whole life. Sometimes I amaze myself by how easily I can move through the crap. Other times, not so much. I am going to work on this in 2025. It’s not about pretending everything is fine when it isn’t, but rather choosing to look for the silver linings, even when it feels hard. I want to train myself to focus on the things I can control, let go of the things I can’t, and approach life with a mindset that turns obstacles into opportunities.

Instead of getting frustrated when things don’t go as planned, I’ll take a deep breath, refocus, and remind myself that setbacks are just part of the journey. A positive mindset is a gift I’m giving myself in 2025 — and it starts with simply choosing to shift my perspective.

As we enter this new year, I encourage you to think about what promise to yourself could be. Maybe it’s something like mine, or maybe it’s something entirely different. But whatever it is, make it one that supports you, one that allows you to grow, reflect, and become the best version of yourself.

Here’s to a kind, balanced, and positive 2025. I’m ready for whatever it brings. Hopefully a house 😊


I Love You,I Miss You